Shock Heat Transference
The main author''s works on shock waves:
the monograph:
"Л.Г.Филиппенко. Сильные ударные волны в сплошных телах. Киев, УМК ВО, 1992" (L.G.Philippenko. Strong Shock Waves in the Continuous Bodies) After of the publication the monograph had been essentially completed and corrected by author.
the articles:
-- "Л.Г.Филиппенко. Следствия из уравнения Гюгонио. Сб. «Гидромеханика», вып. 36, Киев, «Наукова думка», 1977г." ( L.G.Philippenko. The consequences from the Hugoniot equation). The English text see in a hyperreference "The consequences from the Hugoniot equation"
--"L.G.Philippenko. The Shock Heat Transference". The article had been sent in Journal on Shock Waves at July 2007. So far author had not any information about its destiny; therefore now here is placed the preprint of this article: see the hyperreference "Preprint of the article "The Shock Heat Transference".
--"L.G.Philippenko. On the hypothesis about of the continuous structure". See hyperreference "On the hypothesis about of the continuous structure"
-"L.G.Philippenko. The heat exchange with a shock deformed material". See hyperreference "The heat exchange with a shock deformed material"
--"L.G.Philippenko. The genuine (nonadiabatic) shock waves".See hyperreference "The genuine (nonadiabatic) shock waves".
--"L.G.Philippenko. What we measure and how we interpret it". See hyperreference "What we measure and how we interpret it".
See also the actual information in author''s blog in webclub "iMechanica" at URL: